From the title “Terrorist Attack Results in Added Costs and Slowdowns for US Freight System” in the textbook, it shows that unintentional outside factor have an impact on international trade such as the incident of the terrorist attacks on September 11, 2001. It created new kind of trade barrier which is US border security that makes it hard to trade between US and other countries.
The main focus that I will talk is oil price. Oil is conquering new heights every day. It is the single largest commodity affecting world economy today. Oil has a larger impact, especially when it comes to international trade; in a globalized world. As transportation costs had a major hand in the success of globalization, the increase in oil price has disrupted this pillar of globalization. Transportation costs are increasing worldwide due to fuel price increase and it might increase to such an extent that it may not become economically plausible for a country to buy or sell goods outside. The transportation costs may become the deciding factor of the final price of goods and hence would account for an obvious collapse of the cost advantage that nations enjoyed previously.
For Thailand, although Thai exports in 2011 are expected to increase steadily, there are several key risk factors such as the appreciation of the baht and an increase in interest rates which create an impact on Thailand’s international trade. Fuel price is one of the factors because higher oil prices will also increase production and transportation costs.
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